


To YouTubers and Streamers

Hi everyone! I am Kento Kishigami, the main producer of TOKYO CHRONOS.
We have recently been receiving numerous inquiries from YouTubers, VTubers, and streamers who wish to do Let's Plays of Tokyo Chronos, 
and I'm really grateful for everyone's interest in the game.   Personally, I would like more people to come to know about our game, so I definitely want to allow streaming,
LPs and other online videos of Tokyo Chronos.   However, we need to consider two things: The first is that Tokyo Chronos is a very heavily story-driven game,
and the second is that the PlayStation VR version is not planned to be out until July.   Hence, we would like to set specific regulations on streaming and online video, in order to avoid story spoilers.
To let more people know about the work that is Tokyo Chronos,
and to allow more people to live through the experience firsthand, please let us set the following rules in place:   * From the March 20 release date of TOKYO CHRONOS, you may upload videos of up to Chapter 2. * From June 2019, you may upload videos of up to Chapter 3. * From the PSVR version release (Planned to be July 2019), you may upload videos of up to Chapter 4. * From September 2019 and on, you may upload videos of up to Chapter 7. * Rules beyond this are TBD for now. * Rules are subject to change. We may modify these regulations based on changing situations.    My wish is to have as many people as possible to enjoy Tokyo Chronos. Should that happen, I couldn't be happier!
We extend our gratitudes to whom respect these regulations when streaming or uploading videos of the game.    Thanks for reading! Executive Producer Kento